Korean Lesson with your Idol (1) – BTS

Here are some Korean phrases that BTS members would like to teach ARMY!
This was the clip from the Billboard cover shoot in last year, 2018.
You probably have heard about these phrases if you’ve ever been to KPOP concert
or even watch concert clips!
If you wish to go to the BTS concert in the future and would like to understand
what they are saying, this blog post will help you so much!

Let’s start!

©Billboard YouTube captured image

모두 뛰어” [Mo-du Twi-uh]
Everybody jump

모두[mo-du]’ means everybody and
뛰다[twi-da]’ which is the lemma of ‘뛰어[twi-uh]’ means to yell out or to shout at.

뛰다’ also means ‘to run.’
So '모두 뛰어' can be translated in both ‘Everybody jump’ and ‘Everybody run.’

 ©Billboard YouTube captured image

소리 질러” [So-ri Jil-luh]
Make some noise

ARMY! Make some noise~!!
소리 질러 is probably the most used phrase in concert.

소리[so-ri]’ means sounds or noise and
지르다[ji-reu-da]’ which is the lemma of ‘질러[jil-luh]’ means to yell out or to shout at.
You can also say ‘소리 쳐[so-ri chuh].’

©Billboard YouTube captured image

“밥 먹었니?” [Bap Muk-ut-ni?]
Have you eaten?

In Korea, people often ask this question to ask for regards.
You can use this phrase when you show your caring to someone you cares.
'밥[Bap]' means steamed rice.
'먹었니[Muk-ut-ni]' is a question phrase meaning have you eaten.
The phrase literally means Have you eaten rice,
but since the staple food of Korean is rice, they just consider 'rice' as 'food.'

You can also substitute '밥' into different foods,
such as '빵[bbang]; bread', '수프[su-peu]; soup', '국수[guk-su]; noodle' or any other foods!

Here are 3 phrases that BTS wants ARMY to know
Comment us if you have any request on certain topics,
or have any other questions about the post.

See you soon :)


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